so it was off to win
e country on Saturday. in keeping with our plan to not have a plan we started out at Bella Vida, moved on to Maresh and then found our selves at Torii Mor's impressive event. We followed this with a quick stop at Wunderlea for their inaugural opening. We had a disgustingly good time tasting wine, gorging ou
rselves on cheese and crackers. As all things must, this eventually decomposed into a debate on neo liberalism and the ravenous forces of capitalism. Don't worry, no friendships were damaged and any discomfort was assuaged with a raucous bout of four square in the parking lot. Given the chance to stumble your way through the Willamette
valley with your wildly intelligent, Midwestern mobile-software-developing, folklore loving four square driven friends, I strongly encourage you to take the chance and go with it.

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