Saturday, June 14, 2008


I ran a half marathon today. It was good, easier than expected, and...(I swear I'm not whining)...anticlimactic. I haven't "raced" in eleven years, so I don't know what I was expecting to feel when I crossed the finish line, but what I felt wasn't it. Don't get me wrong, i'm proud of myself, I feel good about the fact that I went from zero on the workout scale to a 13.1 miler in 3 months. Perhaps it's my competitive side...i just didn't get the exhiliration that used to come with my high school races. But then, I used to win. So today, I got the, yeah you can finish a half, but 2,000 people can beat you feeling. It might be the blues, but i'll stick with labeling it the anticlimatic blahs.


Green Granny said...

well dude..i am NOT one of the 2,000!! I think you are the most awesome, and i bow to your superior determination!

Kate Ristau said...

Seriously dude. Incredible! You rock. I'll drink to you tomorrow, you stud.